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Guest | 20 Şubat 2014 saat 10:12

Life is short, and this article saved vaablule time on this Earth.

Guest | 20 Şubat 2014 saat 03:57

There are cat haters in our norhgbeihood. I have personally seen cars speed up and try to hit a cat. These individuals relish every morsel of negative cat information. If you were to listen to their rants you would think that cats are the most disease ridden and nasty animal in the hood. Really?? What about the raccoons? Raccoon poop is alive with bacteria and parasites (Leptospirosis) and they poop in my fountain, they will poop in your pool, on your porch and on your roof! At least cats make an attempt to bury their poop. What about those birds? Bird poop is also full of bacteria and they are carriers of many diseases avian flu, West Nile Virus, Hitoplasmosis. Bird handlers are continually warned at Busch Gardens to wash and sanitize their hands after touching their their charges. And Rats!! Good lord..Bubonic plague, Hantavirus, Hemorrhagic fever ..all pretty deadly. Those who commented that they did not see a rat problem in the hood should give a nod to Fluffy. Cats were killed by the thousands in Medieval Europe and historians posit the theory that the cats were the first line of defense against the rats who carried the fleas which carried the plague. The virtual elimination of the cats increased the severity of the plague. Yes, cats do kill birds at times, but the human population is the biggest threat to all wildlife. Yes, the cat population must be controlled, but please stop demonizing the feline.

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